Bl. Miriam Teresa Demjanovich Parish

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Parish Updates

St. Andrew's Church building

St. Andrew's Church has been temporarily closed since January 2024 due to heating and furnace repair challenges. This continues to be addressed. Estimates for related repair work are expected soon, which will help to steer decisions on next steps. Bishop Gregory Studerus, the Vicar for Hudson County, and the Archdiocese of Newark's leadership are aware of the status of the building's condition. A parish Steering Committee, composed of the Finance Council, Parish Council and At-Large members is reviewing facts, estimates and financials to determine next steps.


Financial donations made to either St. Mary's Church or St. Andrew's Church continue to support and sustain the two churches' combined entity known as the parish of Bl. Miriam Teresa Demjanovich. This has been the case for the past 8 years.

Parish Council

Bl. Miriam Teresa Demjanovich's Parish Council is aware of the current status of St. Andrew's Church building and is addressing concerns at its next council meeting in late February 2024.

Concerned Parishioner Calls and Emails

Bl. Miriam Teresa Demjanovich Parish and the Archdiocese of Newark remain committed to serving the people of this parish community while exploring how we may continue our mission with current resources. We are grateful for the parish community's patience and understanding during this time.

We recognize there are many parishioners who continue to have questions or concerns about the condition of the church building(s). To help facilitate questions, please email questions or concerns to Emails will be reviewed and concerns will be addressed as updates become available.

Please continue to visit this website for updates and information.